Acton DC Blog

Exhibitions, Not Tests

Written by Zac Ball | Oct 9, 2020 6:10:00 PM

At Acton Academy, we showcase our learning during exhibitions. Instead of proving what they have learned through test-taking, learners have the opportunity to show their family and friends what they have learned through a creative event. At previous exhibitions, learners have invited guests to solve crimes, play custom-designed games, view published books, evaluate artwork, and listen to persuasive speeches. 

Acton exhibitions are learner-driven affairs. For our first exhibition of the year, learners had to get creative with technology to virtually walk their parents through the different stages of Build the Tribe Quest. Because Build the Tribe does not culminate in a final, physical product, learners demonstrated the success of their quest by showcasing the community they have built and commitments they have made to each other. 

Learners designed the program, assigned learners to specific roles, highlighted core skills, introduced playwriting, performed a dialogue, and created a signing ceremony for the studio contract.

Over the course of session one, guides observed learners develop systems for the studio that center around commitment, care, transparency, and high standards of excellence. The flow of this exhibition, the ceremonial signing of their studio contract, and their hard work represent just how meaningful these ideas are to learners. Guides also observed learners having fun, getting to know each other, and developing bonds of friendship—all in a short period of time. 

Though the first session is over, learners recognize that building the tribe is never complete. We look forward to growing closer as a community and tribe throughout the year—especially during session two, Experiencing US History Quest!